At the beginning of 2020, who knew what a year we would have to endure!
I told my readers I would complete the Shiloh Saga by the end of the year. I set Christmas as my deadline. I actually reached that goal with the help of many friends, family members and supporters who held me up, kicked me a few times, and gave me the will to finish this project, despite all that 2020 threw our way.

And so it begins…Chapter 1
But with lots of help, the words came, and by the summer, the story began to take shape. I knew what had to happen to tie up all those loose ends from Shadows Over Shiloh. I knew this story had to carry the MacLaynes through the Civil War. I wanted to talk about the families that stayed home and those who got pulled into the struggle through no will of their own. I also wanted to point out how Arkansas was impacted by one of the worst periods of American history. So the book grew…and grew…and grew some more. This is the longest volume of the story line. The book has more than 450 pages. I hope you like to read.

Lots of paper and lots of ink! Lots of story to tell.
My loyal dedicated Beta Readers got me back the drafts in record time. A huge thanks to these dedicated ladies: Brenda Thakkar, Beverly Thompson, Mary Lee Cunningham, Yevon Prater, and my dear writing partner Martha Rodriquez. With their go-ahead, I completed the editing, formatting, and got the book off to the printer the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Until finally the last page was written in September.
The Shiloh Saga is now Complete!
Volume V of the Shiloh Saga
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