Today is December 1. Christmas is just around the proverbial corner. Now is the time to make my Christmas wish. Do you still make that Christmas wish every year? Sometimes as adults we forget … [Read more...]
The Greensboro Where Laurel and Mac Walked . . .
In 1857, when Patrick MacLayne brought Laurel to Shiloh, Greensboro would have been their nearest “town”. Established in the late 1830’s, the town had grown into a bustling village in frontier … [Read more...]
Greensboro Today
If you drive down Old Greensboro Road today you will find only one building that marks the site of the once bustling frontier community of Greensboro. The white clapboard community center stand near … [Read more...]
How the Shiloh Saga Started
One Friday while I was sitting at the front desk at the office at church, I had some time on my hands. Being an “Office Angel” at First United Methodist Church in Jonesboro, I didn’t feel I should … [Read more...]
My First Time
I think I am a writer, and if I am a writer, I need to write often. I returned recently from my first writer’s retreat in North Carolina. I learned so much I am nearly overwhelmed, but I found out … [Read more...]